1.Company name: Power Generation Corporation 3 One Member Limited Liability Company

  • Address of head office: Phu My 1 industrial zone, Phy My town, Tan Thanh district, Ba Ria – Vung Tau province, Vietnam
  • Phone: (0254) 387 6927 Fax: (0254) 387 6930

2.Main businesses: power generation.

3.Charter capital post equitization: 20,809,000,000,000 VND equivalent to 2,080,900,000 shares. In which:
Shares held by EVN: 1,061,300,000 shares(51% of charter capital)
Shares sold to employees: 3,424,100 shares(0.1645% of charter capital)
Shares sold via IPO: 267,051,900 shares(12.8355% of charter capital)
Shares sold to strategic investors: 749,124,000 shares(36.00% of charter capital)

4.Par value: 10,000 VND/share

5.Criterial for selection of strategic investors:

  • Having full legal status as regulated by law;
  • Having strong financial capability and having business results for the last 3 years up to the time of registering to buy shares with profit and no accumulated loss;
  • Priority Investors are organizations or joint ventures experienced in the field of energy or technology related to power generation (management, operation of power plants, coal supply, LNG supply, maintenance, EPC, OEM, etc.) or investors with strong financial capacity and are able to support EVNGENCO 3 in arranging investment capital for power projects in in future.
  • Priority is given to investors who have a plan to support the Corporation post equitization in the transfer of new technology; human resource training; improving financial capacity; corporate governance and material supply.
  • Having written commitments when registering to become strategic investors of the equitized enterprises on the following contents:
    • To continue maintaining and developing power production and brand names of the equitized enterprise for at least 3 (three) years from the time of becoming strategic shareholders.
    • To commit not to transfer purchased shares for a minimum period of 05 (five) years from the date the Joint-stock Company is granted the first business registration certificate operating under the Enterprise Law.
    • Strategic investors have obligation to indemnify when violating signed commitments with the indemnity level determined according to the actual damage.
    • The Government will have the right for the use of the entire shares purchased by strategic investors when the investors violate the signed commitments.

6.Share offering method and selling price to strategic investors:

  • Selling process: comply with the Decree No.59/2011/ND-CP dated 18/7/2011 of the Prime Minister on the transformation of 100% state-owned enterprises into joint-stock companies, Circular No. 196/2011/TT-BTC dated 26/12/2011 of the Ministry of Finance on guiding the first sale of shares and the management and use of proceeds from equitization (Procedures for sale to strategic investors in attached Appendix 3);
  • Number of strategic investors allowed to buy shares: no more than 3 investors
  • Selling method: Auction or direct negotiation
  • Total of offered shares: 749,124,000 shares (36.00% of charter capital)
  • Volume of shares that foreign investors are allowed to buy in the offer to strategic investors: the whole offered shares
  • The share Selling Price: according to Decree No. 126/2017/ND-CP dated 16/11/2017 by the Government on the transformation of State enterprises and one-member limited liability companies which state enterprises invest 100% of charter capital into joint stock companies, the share Selling Price for Strategic Investors shall not be lower than the average successful bid share price of the IPO (the IPO is expected to be conducted 09/02/2018).
  • Deposit: Strategic Investors deposit 20% of value of registered shares for purchasing with price per share is the starting price of the IPO Auction approved by competent authorities (24,600 VND/share)

7.Time and addresses for submission of Registration Documents of Strategic Investors:

Investors submit the Registration Form (clearly stating the number of shares registered for purchase) together with the Document of capability and commitments for obligation compliance (as prescribed in Appendix 2 attached to this Announcement) as the time and address as follows:

7.1. Time for submission of the Registration Documents of Strategic Investors:

From 13:30 on 5/1/2018 to 11:30 on 15/1/2018 (Vietnam time).

7.2.Address for Registration Document submission:

  • Capital Investment Management Division, Vietnam Electricity Group
  • Address: No. 11 Cua Bac, Truc Bach, Ba Dinh, Hanoi.
  • Phone: 04 66946290
  • (Contact points: Mr. Cao Dat Khoa, Director of Capital Investment Department – Phone: +84 966 570 579 - Email: khoacd@evn.com.vn; Ms. Nguyen Minh Hieu, Expert of Capital Investment Department – Phone: +84 912 242 268 – Email: hieunm@evn.com.vn)

8.Other information:

  • EVN will conduct meeting with investors to provide more information about EVNGENCO 3 at 8:30 on 9/1/2018 at EVN’s head office. If investors have proposal for meeting, please inform EVN by written so that EVN is able to arrange the meeting.
  • EVN/EVNGENCO 3 will sign Non-disclosed Agreement with investors to provide EVNGENCO 3 information to investors before 9/1/2018.
  • In the case of selling via direct negotiation: investors are requested to deposit as stipulated in Article 6 of this Announcement by 16:00 on 16/1/2018 (Vietnam time).
  • In the case of selling via auction: investors are requested to deposit as stipulated in Article 6 of this Announcement by 16:00 on 13/2/2018 (Vietnam time)

We look forward to having your attention and collaboration.

Attach files
3-Thu moi CĐCL_EVNGENCO 3_Eng
4-Thu moi CĐCL_EVNGENCO 3_Vie
5-Don dang ky NDTCL - GENCO 3 - Eng
6-Don dang ky NDTCL - GENCO 3 - Vie
9-Thong tin tom tat NDT Chien luoc _ Genco 3_Viedoc
10-Thong tin tom tat NDT Chien luoc _ Genco 3_Eng
11-Dia chi lien he NDTCL cua Genco3