1. The company’s information:

  • The company: The Can Tho Water Supply - Sewerage Joint Stock Company
  • Address: No 2A Nguyen Trai St, An Hoi Ward, Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho City
  • Main business areas: Exploiting, treating and supplying clean water; Building other technical and civil works; ...
  • Charter capital: 280,000,000,000 VND equivalent to 28,000,000 shares
  • Publicly offered shares: 3,640,000 shares equivalent to 13% charter capital
  • Name and address of the auctioneer: Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange – 16 Vo Van Kiet, District 1, HCMC
 Type of offered shares  common share

 Initial price

 VND 14,000/ share

 Par value

 VND 10,000

 Incremental bid price  VND 100
 Incremental bid volume  100 shares 
 Minimum shares investor register to purchase  100 shares

 Total shares offered


 Deposit’s proportion

 10% of value of shares’ quantity that
each investor registers at initial price


2. Providing application form to auction participants, Submission bidding slips:

  Time Date  Place

 Providing application form and deposit

 08h - 16h00

 30/07/2019 - 09/08/2019


 Submission of bidding slips

 Before 15h00



 Organizing the auction




 Payment of shares


 20/08/2019 - 26/08/2019


 Refund deposit to unsuccessful bidders


 20/08/2019 - 26/08/2019


Deposit payment:

  • Account number: 1191 0000 107260
  • Of: Viet Capital Securities JSC
  • At: Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam – Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Branch
  • Content: Deposit for Auction of Can Tho Water Supply <Client’s Name> <Passport/Business License Number/Securities trading code> < Volume>

Attach files:
20190729_20190729 - CTY CTN CAN THO - BCTC HN quy 1 nam 2019.pdf
20190729_20190729 - CTY CTN CAN THO - Ban Cong bo thong tin.pdf
20190729_20190729 - CTY CTN CAN THO - BCTC KT HN 2018.pdf
20190729_20190729 - CTY CTN CAN THO - BCTC KT rieng 2018.pdf
20190729_20190729 - CTY CTN CAN THO - BCTC KT hop nhat nam 2017.pdf
20190729_20190729 - CTY CTN CAN THO - BCTC KT rieng nam 2017.pdf
20190729_20190729 - CTY CTN CAN THO - Cong van gia giao dich 30 phien.pdf
20190729_20190729 - CTY CTN CAN THO - BCTC Rieng quy 1 nam 2019.pdf
20190729_20190729 - CTY CTN CAN THO - CV 2185 UBND-KT Vv thuc hien thu tuc thoai von.pdf
20190729_20190729 - CTY CTN CAN THO - Dieu le cong ty.pdf
20190729_20190729 - CTY CTN CAN THO - Giay chung nhan dang ky doanh nghiep.pdf
20190729_20190729 - CTY CTN CAN THO - Giay xac nhan so huu von co phan.pdf
20190729_20190729 - CTY CTN CAN THO - MAUDON.docx
20190729_20190729 - CTY CTN CAN THO - QD 1651 ve phe duyet PA thoai von.pdf
20190729_20190729 - CTY CTN CAN THO - QD 1232 thu tuong.pdf
20190729_20190729 - CTY CTN CAN THO - Quy che DG.pdf
20190729_20190729 - CTY CTN CAN THO - TBAO BAN DAU GIA.pdf