1.The company’s information: 

  • The company: Tan Khanh An Company Limited
  • Address: D2 street – Bac Vinh IP, Hung Dong Commune, Vinh City, Nghe An Province, Vietnam
  • Main business areas: Manufacturing tobacco, Manufacturing plastic products ….
  • Charter capital: VND 38,000,000,000 , equivalent to 3,800,000 shares
  • Publicly offered shares: 2,919,600 shares, account for 76.83% of the charter capital
  • Name and address of the auctioneer: Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange – 16 Vo Van Kiet, District 1, HCMC
 Type of offered shares  common share

 Initial price

 VND 15,500/ share

 Par value

 VND 10,000

 Incremental bid price  VND 100
 Incremental bid volume  100 shares 
 Minimum shares investor
 register to purchase

 Total shares offered


 Deposit’s proportion

 10% of value of shares’ quantity that
each investor registers at initial price

2.Providing application form to auction participants, Submission bidding slips:

  Time Date  Place

 Providing application form and deposit

 08h - 16h00

 19/09/2018 - 05/10/2018


 Submission of bidding slips

 Before 15h00



 Organizing the auction




 Payment of shares


 16/10/2018 - 25/10/2018


 Refund deposit to unsuccessful bidders


 16/10/2018 - 22/10/2018


Deposit payment:

  • Account number: 1191 0000 107260
  • Of: Viet Capital Securities JSC
  • At: Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam – Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Branch
  • Content: Deposit for Auction of Tan Khanh An  <Client’s Name> <Passport/Business License Number/Securities trading code> < Volume>

Attach files:
20180917_20180917 - TAN KHANH AN - Ban CBTT.pdf
20180917_20180917 - TAN KHANH AN - BCTC KT 2016.pdf
20180917_20180917 - TAN KHANH AN - BCTC KT 2017.pdf
20180917_20180917 - TAN KHANH AN - BCTC Q2 2018.pdf
20180917_20180917 - TAN KHANH AN - Du thao Dieu le.pdf
20180917_20180917 - TAN KHANH AN - Giay DKKD.pdf
20180917_20180917 - TAN KHANH AN - Information Disclosure.pdf
20180917_20180917 - TAN KHANH AN - PA CPH.pdf
20180917_20180917 - TAN KHANH AN - MAUDON.docx
20180917_20180917 - TAN KHANH AN - QD103 phe duyet GTDN.pdf
20180917_20180917 - TAN KHANH AN -TB BAN DAU GIA.pdf
20180917_20180917 - TAN KHANH AN - QD159 vv CPH.pdf
20180917_20180917 - TAN KHANH AN - QD111 phe duyet PA CPH.pdf
20180917_20180917 - TAN KHANH AN - QUYCHE DG.pdf
20180917_20180917 - TAN KHANH AN - BCTC KT 2015.pdf