1.The company information:

  • The issuer:Nha Trang Port JSC
  • Address:05 Tran Phu, Vinh Nguyen ward, Nha Trang city, Khanh Hoa province
  • Main business areas:Loading & unloading of goods, warehousing and storage of goods, direct support services for water transport
  • Expected charter capital: VND 245,390,490,000
  • Publicly offered shares:1,570,809shares
  • Name and address of the auctioneer:HanoiStock Exchange – 02 Phan Chu Trinh, Trang Tien, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi.
 Type of offered shares  common share

 Initial price

 VND 11,900/ share

 Par value

 VND 10,000

 Incremental bid price  VND 100
 Incremental bid volume  100 shares (except for registration
 of all of offered shares)

 Total shares offered


 Deposit’s proportion

 10% of value of shares’ quantity that
each investor registers at initial price

 Total quantity of shares allowed
 foreigners to purchase

2.Providing application form to auction participants, Submission bidding slips Deposit payment:

  Time Date  Place

 Providing application form and deposit

 08h - 15h30

 10/09/2018 - 02/10/2018


 Submission of bidding slips

 Before 16h00



 Organizing the auction




 Payment of shares

 Before 16h00

 10/10/2018 - 16/10/2018


 Refund deposit to unsuccessful bidders


 12/10/2018 - 16/10/2018


Deposit payment

  • Beneficiary: VietCapital Securities Joint Stock Company - Hanoi Branch
  • Account Number: 12210 000 634896
  • At BIDV – Ha Thanh Branch
  • Content: Name of the investor – ID- auction deposit payment – The Company Name Ex: Emilio A11278796 auction deposit payment of 20,000 shares in Nha Trang port

Attach files:
1. Quy che ban dau gia co phan_CTCP Cang Nha Trang.PDF
2. Ban cong bo TT chuyen nhuong von UBND KH.PDF
3. QD phe duyet gia khoi diem va phuong an_ chuyen nhuong von NN tai CTCP Cang Nha Trang.pdf
4. Cong van xac nhan cp tu do chuyen nhuong.pdf
5. BAO CAO TAI CHINH 31.12.2016 cang NT_signed.pdf
6. BCTC kiem toan AC 2017 cangNT-signed.pdf
7. BCTC Ban nien 2018 Cty CP Cang Nha Trang sined.pdf
Don dang ky dau gia.zip
Phu luc Danh sach cac Dai ly dau gia.doc